
500g Mince Meat
250g finely diced onion
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 Sprigs Rosemary
2 bay leaves
2g chopped fresh thyme or a large pinch of dried thyme
12g salt
4g finely crushed black pepper
30g flour
150ml vegetable oil
350ml white chicken stock
30g butter
10 Pasta sheets


50g butter
55g flour
500ml milk
2 bay leaves
2g finely crushed black pepper
8g sea salt
30g Cheddar cheese
30g Parmesan cheese
20g English mustard



Heat the vegetable oil in large pan with deep sides until hot, sprinkle in the minced meat and ½ the seasoning. When putting the mince into the pan don’t move it around until it is coloured and crispy first, if you move it around the heat in the pan will go and the meat will start to simmer.

Break up the mince after 8-10 minutes by tapping the mince with a wooden spoon and cook for about 15- 20 min until golden. Strain through a colander to catch all the oil, pour the oil back into frying pan, add the butter and diced onions and garlic with remaining salt, pepper, herbs and cook over a low heat until translucent.

Add the mince back to the onions before adding the flour and cooking for 3-4 mins on a medium heat. Add the stock, bring to a slow simmer stirring the pan and cook for 20-30 mins on a medium/ low heat until reduced and thick.


Infuse the milk with the bay leaf on a low heat. Melt the butter in a pan, add the flour and cook out for a few minutes, stirring regularly. Pour the milk, little by little, stirring all the time with the heat on low so it’s not too hot. Add the salt, pepper and then bring to a slow simmer for 5 minutes on a low heat. Add the mustard, cheese, stirring until well combined and pass through a fine sieve.


10-12 pasta sheets pre-cooked or raw that are cooked in the baking

Fresh grated parmesan cheese (microplaned)

Place the pasta onto the bottom first, then layer on the meat sauce, followed by the white sauce, add a little grated parmesan between the layers and then repeat this another 2-3 times.

On the top layer finish with the white sauce and grated parmesan.

Bake at 180c for 20 mins until the top is nice & golden.




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500g Mince Meat
250g finely diced onion
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 Sprigs Rosemary
2 bay leaves
2g chopped fresh thyme or a large pinch of dried thyme
12g salt
4g finely crushed black pepper
30g flour
150ml vegetable oil
350ml white chicken stock
30g butter
10 Pasta sheets


50g butter
55g flour
500ml milk
2 bay leaves
2g finely crushed black pepper
8g sea salt
30g Cheddar cheese
30g Parmesan cheese
20g English mustard



Heat the vegetable oil in large pan with deep sides until hot, sprinkle in the minced meat and ½ the seasoning. When putting the mince into the pan don’t move it around until it is coloured and crispy first, if you move it around the heat in the pan will go and the meat will start to simmer.

Break up the mince after 8-10 minutes by tapping the mince with a wooden spoon and cook for about 15- 20 min until golden. Strain through a colander to catch all the oil, pour the oil back into frying pan, add the butter and diced onions and garlic with remaining salt, pepper, herbs and cook over a low heat until translucent.

Add the mince back to the onions before adding the flour and cooking for 3-4 mins on a medium heat. Add the stock, bring to a slow simmer stirring the pan and cook for 20-30 mins on a medium/ low heat until reduced and thick.


Infuse the milk with the bay leaf on a low heat. Melt the butter in a pan, add the flour and cook out for a few minutes, stirring regularly. Pour the milk, little by little, stirring all the time with the heat on low so it’s not too hot. Add the salt, pepper and then bring to a slow simmer for 5 minutes on a low heat. Add the mustard, cheese, stirring until well combined and pass through a fine sieve.


10-12 pasta sheets pre-cooked or raw that are cooked in the baking

Fresh grated parmesan cheese (microplaned)

Place the pasta onto the bottom first, then layer on the meat sauce, followed by the white sauce, add a little grated parmesan between the layers and then repeat this another 2-3 times.

On the top layer finish with the white sauce and grated parmesan.

Bake at 180c for 20 mins until the top is nice & golden.


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